Friday, September 3, 2010

Fill in the blank vacation

1. If I didn't have to work anymore I would travel the world, hone my writing skills, make delicious meals, swim with my sister at Barton Springs, and volunteer with animals.

2. My favorite thing about a vacation is the food. I get downright giddy thinking about all of the local restaurants and regional delights I'll get to try on a trip. Some of the best meals I've ever had have been while on vacation (pepperoni and bacon pizza at Ray's in New York, bread pudding at Mother's in New Orleans, and Salt Lick sausage in Austin, just to name a few). Some of the worst meals I've had have also been while on vacation (Ireland).

3. When packing for a trip I overpack.

4. If I could go on a road trip with anyone (dead or alive) I would choose my heterosexual life mate, Audrey, because I never see her anymore and we would go hoarse singing Whitney Houston's greatest hits at the tops of our lungs with the windows rolled down.

5. My top three absolute travel essentials are my sister, Sean, and Klonopin.

6. Vacations are worth every penny.

7. On vacation you must always remember to take pictures. I never take enough pictures.

Fill in more blanks at the little things we do.

(Photo via Roadside Pictures)


  1. I'm with you on the food being the best part of vacation. Heck. It's the best part of life! :)

  2. I love how your vacation essential is your sister, how cute is that! I love having a sister to do things with! I'm your newest follower to your blog, please follow me back at

    Thanks, Nicole Mariana

  3. Hi Nicole! Thanks for following. I'll definitely check out your blog!
