Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Christmas Toast

Given certain recent events in my life, and, more specifically, the life of one of my dearest loved ones, I'd like to take this moment to remember what's truly important. I don't think I do this often enough and it's a real shame that it takes a traumatic event to make me realize how trivial many of my daily complaints are. So, as I sit here in my future in-laws' home surrounded by future family, I vow to make 2011 the year of gratitude. I'll spend the rest of 2010 practicing being thankful: thankful for my family, my friends, my pets (past and present), and all of the abundant blessings in my life. Come the new year, I will spend less time complaining about nonsense and more time focusing on enjoying all of life's little gifts. It won't be easy; we all know it's much easier to be negative in the face of adversity than to be positive, but I'm up for the challenge. Cheers!

(Toast via
that kind of woman)

Friday, December 10, 2010

A few of my favorite things

Currently on my crafting wish list:

Japanese washi tape. Who knew masking tape could be so cute?

Custom woven labels for tagging your handmade goodies.

Vintage crate labels. Just because.

Don't you just love Etsy?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Vocabulary Lesson

Main Entry: neglect

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: fail to do; forget

Synonyms: be careless, be derelict, be irresponsible, be negligent, be remiss, bypass, defer, discard, dismiss, disregard, elide, evade, gloss over, let pass, let slide, look the other way, lose sight of, miss, not trouble oneself, omit, overleap, overlook, overpass, pass over, postpone, procrastinate, shirk, skimp, skip, suspend, think little of, trifle

My dear blog. I hope you can forgive my inattention. Exciting things are on the horizon (including an Etsy shop full of handmade goodies!) and I look forward to sharing soon.

(Photo via we heart it)