Once again, courtesy of Lauren over at the little things we do, I give you this first of the (birthday) month fill in the blank Friday. Enjoy!
1. True happiness is being with my family, Sean, and our animals. Also, peanut butter ice cream pie (see above).
2. The most surreal moment of my life was when I almost ruined Sean's proposal by throwing a hissy fit about hiking in the snow. Typical.
3. My favorite texture is kitty fur. Even the matted kind.
4. My signature color is white, maybe? Most of my shirts are white for some reason.
5. My signature style is Anthropologie meets Sports Authority meets vintage t-shirts. I don't know that I'd call it "style" necessarily. I haven't really nailed down a true style yet and I'm basically just waiting for Stacy and Clinton from What Not to Wear to come bust me for wearing sweat pants to the supermarket.
6. If I could chose one store to spend my life savings at it would be Anthropologie. Although given their prices, I don't think my life savings would go very far!
7. The best thing about autumn is my birthday. It happens to be tomorrow. After that it's all downhill until summer comes again.
We're off for a mini-vacation in Austin. Pics to follow. Enjoy your weekend!